Health & Safety Training Courses
We run several health and safety training courses every month. You can book places on the following upcoming courses below — payments are securely processed by Paypal, using either credit / debit card or your Paypal account.
Manual Handling Course
Manual Handling Injuries account for 32% of the accidents reported to the Health & Safety Authority. Manual Handling involves any transporting of a load by one or more employees, which includes lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving a load, which by reason of its characteristics or unfavourable ergonomic conditions involves Risk, particularly of back Injuries to employees.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Spine and Musculoskeletal system
- Posture and back pain
- Fitness and Flexibility
- Ergonomics
- Risk Assessments
- Risk Assessment (T.I.L.E.)
- Manual Handling Techniques & Practical sessions
- Pulling & Pushing
- Team Lifts
- Employee Risk Groups
Location: Avenue House Health & Safety Solutions, Millbrook, New Road, Bandon, Co. Cork
Fee: €60 per person
Abrasive Wheels Training
Abrasive Wheels training course trains employees in theoretical, practical and safe use of Abrasive Wheels in the work place.
Course covers Bench grinders and angle grinders.
This course can be delivered in house or at our training facility.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Safe work Practice
- Precaution against Hazards
- Handling, Storage and Transportation
- Marking System
- Components and Assembly
- Ring Test
- Wheel Mounting
- Truing and Dressing
- Adjustment of work rests and guards
Location: Avenue House Health & Safety Solutions, Millbrook, New Road, Bandon, Co. Cork
Fee: €60 per person
Fire Safety Training
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at work Act 2005 employers and persons in control of work areas have a legal obligation to manage Fire Safety.
Employers must provide the necessary measures:
- Designate the employees who will be required to implement the plans.
- Ensure their number and their training and equipment are adequate.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Nature and Behaviour of fire and smoke
- Fire Safety Management
- Components of Fire Safety
- Emergency Procedures
- Fire Types and Methods of Extinguishing Them
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire Blankets
- Fire Wardens
- Fire Safety Test
In house training or training in our facility can be provided.
Location: Avenue House Health & Safety Solutions, Millbrook, New Road, Bandon, Co. Cork
Fee: €60 per person
DSE Risk Assessments
Display Screen Equipment training is designed to help those who work in an office environment and are in danger, by misuse of their equipment, of causing Musculoskeletal disorders, especially upper limb and back problems. Users may also experience stress, fatigue, headaches and eye strain.
DSE training is designed to ensure a healthy work place and work force.
In house assessments and advice provided.
DSE Assessors Course
This course is designed to train in house assessors to conduct regular DSE Assessments.
Course Content
- Health and Safety Legislation
- Ergonomics
- The Musculoskeletal System
- Anatomy, Structure and Function of the Spine
- Intervertebral Disc
- Anatomy and Structure of the Elbow and Wrist
- Posture and Back and Neck Pain
- Fitness & Flexibility
- How Your Computer and Workstation Can Hurt You
- Ways to Stop your Computer Hurting You. First Principles
- Ways to be more Comfortable and Stop Being Hurt
- Risk Assessment
- Stretches for Desk Workers
Working at Heights Training
In Ireland 5% fatalities are caused by falls from height which result in serious Injury or Death.
Working at Height Regulations place specific duties on employers and workers and those responsible for controlling work at height. Work at Height activity must be properly planned, supervised, and carried out by competent personnel.
Once again we provide In house training or training in our facility.
Course Content
- Legislation
- Working at Heights Risk Assessment
- Ladders
- Low Level Access Equipment
- Fall Protection Equipment
- Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs)
- Scaffolding
- Safety Nets
- Roof work
- Weather Conditions
The pace of the course was excellent. The Instructor was able to provide plenty of examples & scenarios that we could apply to our own workplace
— M.K.
Enjoyed the course, Instructor was very helpful & knowledgeable
— S.K.
Very Engaging & Informative
— M.M.